Rahu, considered a naturally malefic planet in Vedic Astrology. 1) Rahu being the generic agent of change, generally its dasha will bring changes, movement, travel and rapid changes of circumstances. Being under Venus you are highly creative, intelligent, innovative person. Saturn lies in debilitated condition, but there are changes. Interest in science,. Rahu in 11th House Taurus Ascendant. Venus is, in general, a very benefic and highly tender and polite planet and its Dasha remains for 20 years. Salt in take must be avoided or kept at minimal during the fast. Rahu in the first House will likely result to suffer from headaches and ailments in the top part of the body. The native experiences his weakness in controlling expenditure. Before we proceed further first, let me provide an overview of Mahadasha. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. The native spends a lot of money and gets loss in finance. e. Scorpio ascendants are advised to avoid wearing diamonds. See Jupiter is 8th Lord and weak , thus lot of transformation or ups and down , can also damage your relations with wife at some point. The career and personal lives are pejoratively impacted during the Moon Mahadasha. Posted in Blogs by Astrologer Abhishek Soni Tagged 10th house saturn 11th house saturn 12th house rahu 19 years of shani mahadasha 27 nakshatra symbols 27 nakshatras characteristics 29 degree ascendant 29 degree leo 29 degree scorpio 29 degree scorpio rising 29 degrees ascendant 29 degrees leo 7 1/2 sani for mesha rasi 7. Or if Venus and Saturn both are capable of giving auspicious results together. He might be hopeful, blessed, religious, older, worldly clever, and handsome. So this is not a Good Placement. Still the best result it will give from February 2023 to June 2024. They live freedom and bring in a lot of movement in their life. In conclusion, Saturn Mahadasha can be a challenging period for Taurus ascendants. Conclusion. According to the Taurus ascendant, Saturn, Sun, and Jupiter are considered to have a very crucial role and required to have a strong placement in your birth chart. Ketu Mahadasha – Venus Antardasha: Paradise Lost-Hell on earth: If there is oner period that sacres the hell out of me, then it is Ketu Mahadasha – Venus Antardasha period. The. If he is present in Leo, Gemini and Virgo belonging to Sun and Mercury, he will give good results. The native gets co-operation from younger brothers and sisters. Qualities of Taurus Sign . He will have vehicles, property, and cattle. If you are a Taurus ascendant, Aquarius is the 10th house. Likewise, it places on clothes. b) Venus is said to bring to the native. Result of the Moon Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant. Its motor vehicle is a lion with the back at an elephant. You are born in Taurus ascendant. BRISABH LAGNA or Taurus Ascendant—. It's moolatrikona in Leo only. Can I wear Blue sapphire and Diamond In Venus Mahadasha . Introduction. Reply. Saturn Mahadasha sustains in a person's life for a good 19 years. An ill placed Jupiter creates a lot of issues from health problems to bad luck. For Leo again Saturn is the most negative Planet. Usually for Taurus ascendant Mars give good results when it is posited in the 2nd house (the house of wealth) with a benefic aspect (say a strong Moon). Mercury-Ketu Dasha: Ketu conjunct benefits, lords of trines in trines or angles or 11th house from the Lagna or Mercury denotes happiness, fame, knowledge, health and wealth, and the realization of god and religious enlightenment. Moon is the lord of 3rd house for Taurus and he gets exalted in Taurus. If Kumbha Lagna chose to enter the fifth house, it would attract good health, wealth, and prosperity. 3. It’s lame and lazy. For Taurus Ascendant people Saturn rules the 9th and 10th house. A badly placed Moon during the Moon Mahadasha is likely to bring a decrease in wealth, clothings, jewelry, etc. Rahu in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant. Result of Saturn Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant. The location of Jupiter in the first house ensures a long life, good health, and a constitution for the native. For people born in Mesha Lagna (Aries Ascendant), vimsottari dasas of Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Mars give favourable results. It is of a disposition. Moon Mahadasha consequences with Moon’s features under the. Manoranjan Prusty says. The owner of the fourth house here is Mars which is also the owner of the eleventh house. His attitude towards life and behavior could be. performing Rudrabhishek every monday morning is best known remedy. Afflicted Mercury can bring money loss, wealth loss, and progeny-related problems. However the same year my 1st sadesati also started. Mrs. It is also a sign of hesitation in most matters. So, under Venus Mahadasha we are supposed to go through the results of house where Venus is sitting and aspecting. They must learn to resist the impulse to overspend or indulge in material pleasures, and to prioritize their long-term financial goals over their short-term desires. For Taurus Ascendant, SaturnPlanet Jupiter (Guru Brihaspati), according to Vedic astrology and Indian mythology, is the Guru (teacher) of all Gods. It can lead to health and career issues. The Green Emerald (Panna) is also a beneficial stone for the Taurus ascendant. The native is intelligent and ambitious. Saturn Mahadasha can also have an impact on the health of Taurus ascendants. - 7000 times japs of Mars Mantra with a mala within a time span of 40 days, as. . When people come upon an Aquarius ascendant, it is easy to spot the qualities of intelligence, originality, independence. Antardasha effect would be 45-55%. If the Sun is placed in the tenth. In Vedic Astrology, the Sanskrit term “Dasha” means the planetary period. Ketu is not suitable for the acquisition of wealth if in the 2nd house. The Lagna Chart, also known as the Ascendant Chart, is based on a person’s birth time, date, and place. You will see a lot of good things in. For this ascendant, Venus is malefic as it rules the 7th and 12th houses. Leo, the 5th house of Kaalchakra is the 12th house to Virgo. Result of Sun Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant. This period can be transformative, as it allows individuals to reflect on their past and make necessary changes for. I have Libra ascendant and my Yogakaraka Saturn’s maha dasha is going to start from Mid-May 2017. It is within the Mahadasha and Antardasha Main and Sub Period of these planets that give or creates possibilities of strong Government Job opportunities for you. Sometimes he becomes a victim of the disease of mania. More struggle and very less or negligible returns will be seen. Taurus is a fixed sign, so the social relationships of the Scorpio ascendant borns would last long. Venus in the 10th house indicates a good career in acting line. Rests are. We promise the best of the services with truth, faith and devotion. Hence you can expect a golden period in Saturn Mahadasha, giving you all-around growth, especially in areas of career, money, and good happenings. Share. It is generally said that inauspicious planets can become auspicious if they rule the Kendra. The native loses respect and honour in government and society. Since the ascendant lord is Saturn itself and the MoolTricone Sign fall in the ascendant itself, Saturn can be termed as a benefic for Aquarius. In this situation, working in haste can cause harm. You are usually easy to be around. Jupiter is the planet who can help a person manage the finance better and help a person manage his family well. female issue will be more malesLeo ascendant lord is the sun. Positive Effects of Jupiter Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant. Taurus Ascendant / Vrishabh Lagna. 11th Lord in Different Houses will result in the 5th House as the native’s children will gain. Answer (1 of 3): Dear Requestor, I understand that Jupiter should be poorva bhadrapada nakshatra at 20 degrees and therefore he is in his own star. Karaka for 7th house is Venus. Astrology Sun Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant Sun Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant Sun is the lord of the fourth house. The native works hard in the business bravely and wisely and later on gains success. Moon Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant faces many difficulties regarding enemies, debts and diseases. The order of vimshottari dasha has been described above. . Taurus Ascendant. Answer (1 of 3): Dear sir/madam keru in 5th house is good for Taurus ascendent ,it doesn't lead to progency . Venus on the other side is about luxury, material comforts, passion, amorousness, and possessions. Taurus ascendant had some magic when coming to good and bad planets. This period is known to be challenging and can bring obstacles and difficulties in various aspects of life for people born under the Dhanu Rashi or Sagittarius zodiac sign. Libra Ascendant or Thula Lagna born people have these results in nine vimsottari dasas of jupiter, sun, moon, mars, mercury, venus, saturn, rahu and ketu. . However, when Rahu is placed in the 1st house, it can create a sense of restlessness and confusion in the person’s mind. The Lagna Chart is the most crucial chart in Vedic astrology, as it determines the placement of all other planets in the individual’s birth chart. The natives may become spiritual during the last few years of later years of life. Long journeys, learning, wisdom and prudence. The native is happy with his wife. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which represents love,. Answer: It would be better if the degrees are given. Is this Job loss because of Sade sati or Dasha Chidra effects?Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 12th house to Sagittarius, the Sagittarius ascendant born will be punished and troubled due to secret and illegal planning and for cruelty. Below are some remedies for Mars Mahadasha: - The native must worship Lord Kartikeya and Lord Hanuman by reciting Kartikeya strotra and Hanuman Chalisa. Although, it owns 6 th house, it will bring good result as lagna lord. The. The Seventh house is exactly opposite to Lagna or Ascendant which represents self therefore 7th house represent Life partner or People with whom we mix and Socialise. Jupiter in the 9th house for Taurus ascendant can have an impact on the native’s beliefs, income, appearance, health, and family life. There. All the wishes of the native will be fulfilled. 1. a) In contrast to the above, the conjunction between Rahu and Venus is considered as auspicious, and Venus Antardasha is said to lift the negative effects of Rahu Mahadasha. Venus for Aquarius Ascendant in 4th House Lord: Taurus /Rishaba the second ZODIAC sign is in the 4 th house to Aquarius/Kumbha. Taurus Ascendant sign lord is Venus. The natives of Rahu in the 3rd house can also become taboo-breakers or hold revolutionary ideas. 3) Arguments and Mental IssuesIn the Kundli of Taurus ascendant, if Mars is placed in the Ascendant itself, then the person is hasty in every work, there is a decrease in mother and happiness, there is a delay in auspicious work, and one gets benefits from the partner. Libra Ascendant: Saturn lordship. What it means is simply that Rahu in 2nd house will affect the Taurus ascendant differently and Virgo ascendant differently. The best thing that can happen during this Dasha is that you will learn to cope up with all the hardships of your life. Spiritual growth: Shani Mahadasha can also be a time of great spiritual growth and enlightenment. 5 sani for mesha. Saturn has friendly relations with the planet Venus, the ruler of Taurus. In Jupiter Dasa, the native gets benefitted with wealth, gold, gems, clothes, conveyance, women, and progeny. Vedic Astrology learning Course Chapter 9: Mahadasha, Antardasha and Pratyantardasha. There are also chances of receiving injuries due to a fall from long heights. Result of Sun Dasha for Taurus Ascendant Native :-For taurus ascendant native, sun is controlling 4th house which is one of kendra house. Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabh Lagna) – Vimsottari dasas and results Taurus ascendant people will have favourable results during their Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Sun dasas. He’ll have a lifetime and the wife will probably be long-lived. You should chant mantras of the planet whose Mahadasha is active in your Kundali. His misdeeds and mean habits create problems in getting money from overseas sources. But the native has good patience and self-confidence. Taurus Ascendant sign lord is Venus. If rahu gives bad results, then performing Chandi homam is best remedy. Saturn in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant. It falls in the Kama Trikona or House of desire. The person makes more effort to get more benefits than necessary. As the lord of 9th and 10th, Saturn gives excellent results. It is the kind of planet that gives the courage to overcome challenges and obstacles. Mahadasha of Saturn happens for a period of 19 years. If talking in terms of zodiacs, the most beneficent ascendants in budh Mahadasha are Gemini, Taurus, and Virgo. However, at the same time, it is also the lord of the 10th House. Because both are natural benefics For Taurus ascendants, (1st house is Taurus) and Jupiter is the owner of 8th a. Aries in 4th House Astrology. Rahu is going to transit from Taurus to Aries on 12th April 2022 till 30th October 2023, which is a fire Sign. Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. The native works hard to get success in the house of income. Discipline and hard work: Shani Mahadasha is a time of great discipline and hard work. Jupiter in 10 th House for Taurus Ascendant. You are known to choose comfort over risk; you can enjoy the pleasures of life while being equally realistic in your approach. If there is a Guru in the Ascendant, the person will not be a patriarch, believer, is intelligent. The native works hard at the place of occupation/ profession and faces many troubles there and in the. A Vakri Guru in the 7th house can also indicate that the individual may experience some turbulence in their marriage. Sun Mahadasha. The presence of Ketu in the fifth house can make the natives impatient, timid, jealous, proud, and crafty. It is lord of 1st & 6th house in a horoscope. To overcome few bad results of sukra dasa, performing Sukra Homam and feeding white cows are best remedies. Answer: Thank you for a2a. Saturn in 11th House for Scorpio Ascendant. Strengths: They are curious, eccentric, and intelligent. Taurus is ruled by VENUS…hence VENUS will be the lord of this house. Rahu in the first Home will result as the health of the native could be bad unless there’s a beneficial impact on the ascendant or Rahu is positioned. 24 May. Malefic's in Kendra houses gives good results. Pisces ascendant . For it to be beneficial, it must be placed in its own sign and conjoined by auspicious planets like the Moon. Taurus Ascendant House Lords, Vrishabh Lagna analysis with their house lords. For Sagittarius Jupiter debilitation makes orthodox and dogmatic in views. Natives with Rahu in the first house for Taurus ascendants adopt illegal methods to earn a livelihood. 2) Problems. If you are interested to know mahadasha, you must check your dasha using our dasha calculator. Scorpio is the 7th house for Taurus Ascendant. When situated in the Ascendant in Taurus, Jupiter gets the power of direction. The native with Rahu in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant is most selfish. It is the lord of the 8th and 11th house for them.