img, recovery. In some devices (e. . All recovery files all respective System. $ fastboot -S 512K flash boot boot. 741s] writing 'system'. error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 2093237440 is not a multiple of the block size 4096 error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 2093237440 is not a. Fastboot expects images to be in sparse format. img_sparsechunk1). zip target reported max download size of 800000000 bytes Invalid sparse file format at header magi sending sparse 'zip' (89626 KB). Then click the ‘Download’ button to download the OTA package to your computer. . Source. raw sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop sys . Invalid sparse file format at header magic error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don’t care size 248894109 is not a multiple of the block size 4096 sending sparse ‘writable’ 1/2 (253700 KB)… error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don’t care size 248894109 is not a multiple of the block size 4096 error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don’t care size. img. error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 5736448 is not a multiple of the block size. zip system. img的大小,需要分批下载来完成, 所以fastboot会将system. img userdata_raw. img" not visible if your windows explorer is configured to hide file extension of known file type (and it is by default) In all 3 cases, using your "TAB" key to auto-complete the file name in your command window should help. I used the newest Firmware from OnePlus website and unpacked it with the tool in the article. platform-tools>fastboot flash -S 1G system system. Issue still persists, same behavior Logs: PS C:Users everDesktop> fastboot flash system . dat inflating:. . . target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes Invalid sparse file format at header magi error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 280657212 is not a multiple of the block size. . . I installed android-tools-fsutils using the terminal on Ubuntu 16. Thiago. Along the same lines, you might also get an “Invalid sparse file format at header magic” message. FAILED (remote: Partition not found) finished. 075s] writing 'system'. system. Oct 20, 2015 42 10. I have a . 5)firmware is basically software that controls hardware. ext4 target reported max download size of 425721856 bytes Invalid sparse file format at header magi. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to. Jul 14, 2016. 4. . . kanade266 Member. If you tried to flash system. Sent from my M5mini using Hovatek MobileInvalid sparse file format at header magi error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 1841 is not a multiple of the block size 4096 sending sparse 'zip' (66391 KB). img Invalid sparse file format at header magic erasing 'system'. (bootloader) Variable not supported! target reported max download size of 805306368 bytes Invalid sparse file format at header magi error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 46961884 is not a multiple of the block size 4096 sending sparse 'system' (777329 KB). . May 24, 2014 46 49 KOTTAYAM. target reported max download size of 16777216 bytes. Invalid sparse file format at header magi Failed to read sparse file. bad generated sparse image on samsung firmware, failed to. Reactions: SAMER-SB. 036s] finished. May 24, 2015 #2 joel george alex said: i have a system. I'm on Linux, and have downloaded a twrp image, and made a zip file with a blank android-info. 007fred50 commented Jan 16, 2020 • edited. Unfortunately step 2 (with the file from the link you posted) still generates this error: fastboot. You may see a "Invalid sparse file format at header magi" message at some point. total time: 178. How to repair phone? S. exe flash zip D:Downloads. sig' Resizing 'system_a' OKAY [ 0. Flashing the files to your phone may take a long while to start. img Invalid sparse file format at header magic sending sparse 'boot' 1/51 (508 KB). img and making super. I used an Android emulation with API28. 669s] sending sparse 'system' 1/4. g. Last edited: Nov 20, 2015. conseguiste solucion?Invalid sparse file format at header magic. Invalid sparse file format at header magi error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 109345995 is not a multiple of t he block size 4096 sending sparse 'zip' (1787705 KB). 940s` Reply. img inflating: recovery. 01/14/2020 . XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. HTC One M9e -- HIMAR Bootloop after custom rom install. . )。. img from backup and received the "Invalid sparse file format at header magi" error, you have come to the right place. Please referre to Troubleshooting Tips > To get a slot-success=Yes Post #1. Ketika mencoba melakukan ini boot. Procedure: Place your system. FAILED (remote: unknown command) finished. FAILED (remote: buffer overreads occured due to invalid sparse header) finished. img的文件尺寸太大,目标机器最大支持一次性132M的上传。但是我的system. 861s] writing 'zip'. img target reported max download size of 16773120 bytes Invalid sparse file format at header magi sending sparse. fastboot flash system system. 908s] Writing 'system_a' OKAY [ 0. gz' file as follows; >fastboot flash system Acer_AV052_A1-830_1.