Middle naden c o8 chiffchaffs in trees. A Tree Pipit was in the exact same spot as those in April 2021, along the path between Jameson's Farm and the Harrow Pub, early evening. 20/06/23, 3:45 - 5:55 Two families of mandarin on the river above the weir. Permalink. Posts: 145. Welcome to Manchester Birding, a site first published in September 2006 all about birds, birders and birding in the county of Greater Manchester and which is owned, designed, built and maintained by me, Ian McKerchar. Post Info TOPIC: Pomona; Nev Wright. Welcome to BirdForum, the internet's largest birding community with thousands of members from all over the world. Sub Forums: GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS, COVID- 19. Status: Offline. Well-known member. This (continuing) hearing was in Manchester in front of Three Government Appointed Inspectors who are. Status: Offline. 00-15. Birds & Bird Song Locations Resources Contribute Recent changes. Permalink. 1628 Woodpigeon SW. Apr 25, 2010. Forum: GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS: Start A New Topic Sub Forum Topics Posts Last Post; GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS 4: 35: Tue Apr 5 9:58 AM, 2022 by GM Local Record Centre. The forums are dedicated to wild birds, birding, binoculars and equipment and all that goes with it. I was in Manchester in a small bit of wooded area when I spotted a bird I didn't recognise straight off. The 2nd bird circled over the town centre for 5 minutes and was ignored by the male peregrine that was intent on catching prey and putting on a show. Permalink . Date: Thu Jul 6 11:47 PM, 2023. RE: Roman Lakes and Bottoms Reservoir, Marple. Posts: 89. Permalink. Hello all, this is the first birding forum I have joined, in fact its the first on I saw on a google search. A fair flock of local birders though! Firecrest 1 seen well from the footbridge over Platt Brook at 53. Georges Lane : 1 Kestrel and 3 Ravens. Permalink. A double ringed bird (most likely the resident male) attacked the roosting bird and then battled with it over Oxford Rd then towards the. A quick walk down to the River Mersey this morning to try to pick up the Sand Martins has me looking at around twenty birds going about there business over the river on a glorious morning a Song Thrush goes through its melodies high in a Sycamore and a. manchester. After an argument with with 3 Carrion. Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 plus a roadkill on the junction 6 M60 slip road. Permalink . mph061020354570. Date: Thu Apr 6 12:55 PM, 2023. _____ The Watergrove Skyline (January 2010) - before desecration. Permalink. BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS-> HORWICH MOORS. Status: Offline. Start A New Topic Reply. Start A New Topic BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE → Manchester Birding Forum → ALL OTHER COUNTIES/REGIONS → Cheshire and The. Alan Warford. Post Info TOPIC: Fog Lane Park; James Walsh. Willow Wabler - contact calls at several points inc old paper dump. Date: Sat May 6 11:22 PM, 2023. This morning- 3 Shoveler, 2 Gadwall, 3 Pochard, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Ringed Plover (Tundra race bird), c200+ Swifts, c20 Sand Martins but only singles of Swallow and House Martin. Date: Sat Oct 20 9:36 PM, 2012. RE: Waxwings (in Greater Manchester) Permalink. 15 Linnet in field next to Bardsley Fold Farm. 2 stock doves. 446889, -2. 15 and 2. Status: Offline. Date: Sun Apr 17 4:07 PM, 2011. Permalink. BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS-> AUDENSHAW. Status: Offline. BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS-> Prince's Park, Irlam. Share. Forums. Start A New Topic Reply. Date: Fri Jan 5 9:54 PM, 2018. Post Info TOPIC: Leigh Town Centre; dave broome. Date: Fri Mar 17 2:55 PM, 2023. Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. Post Info TOPIC: Slattocks, Middleton; James Walsh. Four Dunlins feeding on the muddy margins of the old Ramsden Road causeway which has now completely emerged from the water and connects the north and south sides of the reservoir. Last Post. Posts: 2787. Permalink. Post Info TOPIC: Blackrod; Ian McKerchar. Mind you - Greater Manchester Courts seem good for birds - I work opposite Stockport Magistrates - and we've had Parakeet, Buzzard and believe it or not dead Woodcock too! Thriving birding scene in Greater Manchester - check out: forums are dedicated to wild birds, birding, binoculars and equipment and all that goes with it. GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS! Simon Johnson. Doffcocker Lodge. 5. 30pm on Tue 10. Status: Offline. Posts: 15006. Every time the ravens came in with twigs the peregrines were dive bombing them and trying to chase them away. Whitebeam Close: Green Sandpiper flew over calling 11. 12 Lapwings, 2 Common Sandpipers, 1 Little Ringed Plover and 2 Common Terns. Gallery. Date: Thu Jul 13 3:06 PM, 2023. I always found Rook a very easy bird to add to my year list simply by working in Wythenshawe and keeping my eyes open around the Civic Centre. Highlights from evening walk around the Reservoir 17. COVID- 19 GARDEN LOCKDOWN BLOGS 2020: CLOSED Individual forum for those garden birding during. Email: [email protected]. Status: Offline. COVID- 19 GARDEN LOCKDOWN BLOGS 2020: CLOSED Individual forum for those garden birding during. Post Info TOPIC: HORWICH MOORS;. Post Info TOPIC: Atherton Area (including B & M) Jeff Gorse. Tags . BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> For sale/wanted. Date: Mon Dec 22 7:47 PM, 2014. Date: Fri Nov 25 6:46 PM, 2022. colin davies. RE: Urmston Meadows. Date:. Start A New Topic Reply. Still present 2 Redstarts (Male & Fem) in "Redstart" Hedge, and both showing quite well tonight, at one point both sat on wire fence whilst i was just sat there in the field. Dipper again today at 4. Start A New Topic. Manchester canal from Ringley to Nob End. Forum: GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS: Start A New Topic Sub Forum Topics Posts Last Post; GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS 4: 35: Tue Apr 5 9:58 AM, 2022 by GM Local Record Centre. Saturday 30 April 2022. 34 when lost to view in the holly. Status: Online. Sub Forums: GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS, COVID- 19. 57 (crop photo attached) Willow Tit 2 One near the Meadow pond at 53. Post Info TOPIC: Trafford Park; Samglennie. Seen there again 9th May 2021, then seen at Old Moor RSPB, Barnsley on 10th March 2022, next at Turn Moss on 12th January 2023, 1093km. Status: Offline. There are around 30 swans on the reservoir now so hopefully this does not spread to the others. RE: Mellor Moor. Start A New Topic Reply. Hybrid(?) duck, Manchester UK. Date: Tue Jul 4 1:40 PM, 2023. Hi from Manchester UK!. Posts: 366. 1410 - 1455, highlights: two male pochard, 16 gadwall, two cormorants, 20 tufted ducks, adult grey heron on island with cormorants. Posts: 862. New media New comments Search media. Caspian Gull. 688 user (s) visited this forum in the past. Sub Forums: GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS, COVID- 19. 1 Stonechat (female) was in the northern corner of the field which borders the south-west of Bryn Marsh, at around 8am. Posts: 2127. I haven’t managed to. 00. Date: Fri Mar 10 10:16 AM, 2023. Date: Fri Mar 10 10:16 AM, 2023. A flock of twelve ring-necked parakeets were busy. Date: Sun Feb 21 3:33 PM, 2010. 8 Rook around Wythenshawe Metrolink Station when I got off Tram. The Watergrove Skyline (January 2010) - before desecration. Reply. 2 ravens low over the Sunfield estate this morning going WSW. Sub Forums: GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS, COVID- 19. Gallery. ZEISS. Date: Tue Dec 22 4:30 PM, 2020. Sub Forums: GREATER MANCHESTER NEEDS YOUR BIRD SIGHTINGS, COVID- 19. At Lightshaw Hall Flash this late morning, first summer Hobby present again, singing Yellowhammer and 9 juvenile Grey Partridges. BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS-> kearsley birds. Chorley Naturalists. 11 in all (7 Male & 4 Female), split between 3 different locations, including 2 pairs near Marple Golf club. Whilst I very warmly welcome potentially suitable images to be sent to me, though unfortunately I cannot always guarantee their inclusion, alternatively images can be added within sightings posts on the Manchester Birding. Members. Post Info TOPIC: Tyldesley General Environs; Steven Heywood. Date: Thu Sep 6 8:09 PM, 2007. Permalink. Posts: 449. GREATER MANCHESTER BIRDS AND BIRDING (**NOTE: this forum is NOT a method of submitting bird records to the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group; therefore please take the time to submit your sightings to the group via one of the available methods). BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS-> Slattocks, Middleton. Welcome to BirdForum, the internet's largest birding community with thousands of members from all over the world. GREATER MANCHESTER BIRDS AND BIRDING (**NOTE: this forum is NOT a method of submitting bird records to the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group; therefore please take the time to submit your sightings to the group via one of the available methods). Post Info TOPIC: ELTON RESERVOIR; Roger Halsey. Post Info TOPIC: House Martin at Castleshaw ; Ian McKerchar. New media New comments Search media. Date: Wed Jun 21 10:20 AM, 2023. Individual forum for those garden birding during the COVID-19 lockdown of. Date: Sat Jun 19 1:10 PM, 2021. COVID- 19 GARDEN LOCKDOWN BLOGS 2020: CLOSED Individual forum for those garden birding during. THE GREATER MANCHESTER COUNTY BIRD REPORT IS BACK, WELL, KIND OF. Firecrest seen again this morning at around 7. 13:45 to 16:00 - From Plank Lane Lift Bridge to both Lightshaw Flash viewing points & back along canal to Lift Bridge. Threads 49 Messages 321. Jackdaw 1200 - 1400 moving west out of Chorltonville Carrion Crow - many arriving from the west, possibly 200+, wouldn't be surprised if there are a few Rook in there Magpie 60+ Ring-necked Parakeet c20 Sparrowhawk 1. Posts: 14990. Transfer Tweets - Manchester United - 2023/24. Black-necked grebe 1 juvenile between the ruck and the end of the spit in close association with the tufted duck with the nasal saddle CH1. Posts: 1532. Permalink. Post Info TOPIC: Prince's Park, Irlam; Dave Steel. I forgot to add that the. There are currently 4 member (s) and 14 guest (s) online: Kristian Wade, Steven Nelson, Doc Brewster, Dean Clark. Date: Sat Jan 5 8:51 PM, 2008. RE: LIGHTSHAW MEADOWS LWT/ABRAM FLASHES. Upper Res: Mallard 2 - 1M 1F. Bird of the Year: Great White Egret _____ Tom OShea. BACK TO THE MANCHESTER BIRDING WEBSITE HOMEPAGE-> Manchester Birding Forum-> GREATER MANCHESTER BIRD SIGHTINGS-> Amberswood Lake and Common, Hindley. COUNTY LISTERS AND LISTING.