94-99 magic mm2. Making it (combined mage+def xp) 4. Join. Types of Chinchompas. An ancient staff or a master wand can be used instead of a kodai to autocast ancient spells, however. At level 90 magic, you should be expecting to get around 210 xp per cast at the monkey madness 2 caves, making it approximately 5. 4. On osrs 1 defence chinchompa or ice burst/barrage guide, get the very best xp/h with range xp around 300k xp/h and magic at. Just starting to access tunnels. OSRS has always been a game that encourages the leveling (and ideally maxing) all skills. 07 gp/xp, not counting hp xp. Reply. top of page. 5m Per Hour Cheapest pricing on Sythe. If you're too lazy to watch the video, it involved spam clicking using the pressure pads in Kruk's dungeon, found in Monkey Madness 2. This video is a step by step guide on how to get over 900K+ Xp/Hr chinning in oldschool runescape. This is the gear setup I used. The entrance to Kruk's Dungeon. Monkey Madness chinning guide osrs Red Chins with bonecrusher necklace(pray restore swap) in MM2 tunnelCheck your damage with ranging potion, for me it was 1. Going through Kruk's dungeon in MM2 and made it most of the way through. Bob might not look like much but he has some powerful offensive stats. Using Occult + Tormented brace Also using Mystic hat/top/legs with ancient staff as you do not need the extra accuracy from wand/ahrims + no repair costs. MM2 Kruk's maze question. Maniacal monkeys (MM2) experience rate: Against maniacal monkeys, you can expect experience rates of between 350 – 800K. How crowded are mm2 tunnels?. . MM2 bursting XP and cost. . (Edit: actually it’ll be less than 22k since your xp rate increases as you gain levels) I can take screenshots of my notes if you’re curious. post/whisper prices. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Unsure of the demand for it but trying it out anyway. So I'm curious if I have to complete mm2 to use the chinning tunnels, or just start or get. How difficult is it go get back in. Well, I've finished Monkey Madness 2, and at least from a new player perspective, it blew my. ago. Views: 2763 Replies: 8 Track Topic. 7 gp per xp for me, not considering ppot or rpot. This will cost 44. 26. 987 xp. 99 Ranged. 631k. Reply . 707K subscribers in the 2007scape community. skype: live:2277grind discord: 2277 GRIND#0721 . level 1 · 6 yr. Use an archers ring, just make sure you keep your prayer high enough that you can survive a dc. 8k. Add me on discord: CKB#0186 - 560918819741106178. 1. About your gear, do you think an anguish is better compared to using a salve amulet (ei)? As you should get a larger increase in damage for the target you are attacking, but as the splash damage is based of your initial hit it should be beneficial to use. A monkey talisman is used for making greegrees until the completion of Monkey Madness II. The dungeon is visited during Monkey Madness II to kill Kruk and sabotage Glough's laboratory. Used void (elite void if you have it) Used about 1800 chins an hour Pulled about 550k - 700k xp/hr Pray prot melee and hawk eye Used mm2 tunnel spot. The majority of the quest is set on Ape Atoll, an island inhabited by civilised but unfriendly and high-level monkeys . Group: Member. Dust devils are also viable but are a downgrade. On top of that, prayer is free there. You need these stats to even start the quest. You're not an iron man, use your time wisely. 150k xp/hr that costs 5. xp. This is just an alternative to using cannon . 43 for. 5% less damage (and getting 12. In summary, bursting in near max gear (kodai, imbued heart, ancestral, torm, occult, etc) at lvl89 resulted in ~270k xp/hr and was. I did 99 range on my zerk with dhides in mm2 tunnel. How far in to the quest do you need to gain access to the dungeon. It is also weak against crush attacks. Bursting guide for maniacal monkeys in the mm2 tunnels. Man the best answer i found my self toxic blow pipe all i needed was 800k points for salve amulet (ei) upgrade but now that i know that salve amulet is not effective in mm2 chinning tunnels. GambitDota • 6 yr. I've just passed the bronze key door, and have check every possible obstacle the see if I have any other route. Still possible if you have a touch screen monitor or tablet that will run osrs. 9. A stamina potion would likely help too. I understand that MM2 monkeys have 1 Mage Def, so you basically only need a tiny +Mage Attack for full accuracy. If you want more prayer bonus you can sub a few items for higher prayer bonus items with lesser range attack. : 2007scape. on another note, if you're splashing at all in the MM1 tunnels, you'll notice a significant difference in the MM2 tunnels. 90-99 I used 19K chins in mm2 tunnel. I was just wondering if anyone who has done the quest already can advise me which I should take. 2. It was changed pre eoc, and there's a lot of things that have changed in oldschool. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. And it will take ~36 hour of casting (based on 1200 cast/h). The point of a pure account is to do as much damage as possible while being at the lowest level possible. When worn, it will restore prayer points as bones are buried (even if buried via the bonecrusher ). ago. 607k. 7k. That way real players have a work around, and bots would need to complete MM2/Ds2 in order to abuse the teleport making them much less replaceable when they get banned, instead of. Fake-Chad •. Monkey Madness 2 Chapter II Quest Guide. string jewelry is fast + afk. 10gp/xp. pm me for a quote. Will be done at MM2 tunnels. . can do chinning/barging for 7gp/xp mm2 tunnels and str 6gp/xp if dharoking nmz or 9gp/xp any other gear. Inventory: Just bring a the. Mm2 tunnel bursting from 97-99 magic cost? - thank you . He doesn't do 1200 casts per hour, or nearly that. Maniacal monkeys are located in Kruk's Dungeon which the player visits during Monkey Madness II. Details in comments. I don't even try to stack them, and. As your level progresses, you will gain. Total Kills and Drops. aq_p • 2 yr. I did this part with 70 defense. Blood barrage is better than ice barrage in mm2 caves. Burst/Barrage MM2. Can't run through it, it pushes me back. Chinning Calculator- if you die you will lose your chins so don't bring too manyYou can get up to 800k-1m xp/h if you don't loot the prayer potions & pay good attention. Shuffle alts: Normal rate: One account: 15m for 48 hours 30m for a week. Chinning MM2. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. 1200 * 1k = -1. Add a Comment. Level 1-17; Level. Ctrain2. ago. 4K. Looking for 94-99 mage via bursting in mm2 tunnels. Mm2 Completed High slayer Use examples GWS tanking / supply alt / back-up dpser / spec restorer / heal other / rune dragon alting /corp specing / mm2 shuffling / demonic gorilla tanking / Price: One week: 100 usd Two weeks: 180 usd Crypto (No paypal etc] Or the equivalent in gold -----2. Highest afk clicking agility xp / hr in OSRS. . You don't have to finish mm2 to chin there, only start the first 5 mins. Harvesting grants 58 Farming experience per mushroom, for a total of 348 experience. . 60 & 75 Attack. Unlike most hunter creatures, maniacal monkeys are not killed; rather, when successfully captured, they will shed their tails to escape, beginning the process of. Following the events of Monkey Madness, Glough has vanished, prompting King Narnode Shareen to enlist the player's help once more in tracking down the war criminal and uncovering his next evil plan. 662k. Ice barrage stops proper stacking of monkeys unless Im missing something. Should I use ahrims or prayer bonus gear to burst them? I know they have 0 magic defense but I just want to make sure that I am getting maximum xp rates/hr. CALCULATORS. xp wasters online. 2 gp/xp. Kruk's Dungeon. Players focus on training it for many reasons such as the various teleports that get unlocked through the Spellbooks, or to be able to enchant certain items. Make the frogeel a 99 slayer creature that can only be defeated by sucking and slurping. Nope. ago · edited 6 yr. gf. Reply More posts you may likeThe Sweatshop: Bursting / Chinning Mm2 [& other methods] [Alt rentals] [Most knowledgeable], Number #1 chinning and bursting servicer. Wearing the necklace requires level 70 in Prayer, and currently offers the highest prayer bonus of any piece of equipment available in Old School RuneScape . Smoke offers 8 more xp per cast plus a higher max hit. So Ice Burst costs with every cast roughly 1k. You can check the patch notes, I dont really remember when they made it so that you have to do mm2 to wield it. 178. I took the wrong one and went to back track, but there is no way possible to get by the traps again. Just make sure you dont die, its not hard if you are quick on prayers. Probably a bit more than 22k since I used the xp rate I was getting at 92 range (but calced it based off xp from 90-99), but it won’t be much more than 22k. Can we get some sort of shortcut/ability to not fail obstacles after completing MM2? Edit: 12 times. ago. Highest Exp/hr Method throwing chinchompas at monkey madness 2 tunnel. I actually am pretty close now, as I gained a lot of. Other than that, you only get +3 prayer from this. Honestly I don't know how but I didn't take any wrong turns and used very minimal food and just flinched Kruk, I found this part and really the rest of the quest a cakewalk. Hello i would like to provide you with mm2 dancing/spinning service i have 6 accounts ready at anytime to dance for you 2. After completing Monkey Madness II, the laboratory is destroyed and becomes a hunter training area for maniacal monkeys. Too many people play RuneScape just to exploit it (sand casino, for example) and it means that there’s actually a sizeable community of cheaters and exploiters. Benefits of grinding 69 slayer would be a large amount of combat xp. how much xp/hr is barraging in mm2 tunnels. Suggestion. However I've never really even considered using shadow spells to train. Forums > RuneScape > RuneScape 2007 General > RuneScape. the best way possible you will need to at least start Monkey Madness 2 and complete it up to the point where you enter MM2 tunnels. 598k. 85 = 800. 672K subscribers in the 2007scape community. i did the maze, investigated the thing on wall and attempted to figh kruk but teled out cause low ln food. Now I don't know how defensive casting works for the xp you gain, but I assume it's the same as magic, so. Also could you please tell me the equipment used (I am not that rich so won't be max mage), # number of bursts per hour, number of hours from 97-99, and please include total cost of runes :) Thank you guys so much ily all xd . currently at 85 range, full arma 70 def. 2277 GRIND Forum Addict. It is infested with extremely strong monsters and traps. d2jsp Forums > Other Games > RuneScape > Mm2 Tunnel Question. MM2, MM1, bloodvelds, dust devils, nechryael, abyssal demons, smoke devils.