The maul fight was a little dicey. 1. I used Rex's insta-kill to take out zeb, he's pretty. Commander Ahsoka tano availability. Once he started hitting 100k basics, the enemy just killed themselves. Ahsoka has +50% Offense and Critical Damage and if another Light Side Unaligned Force User, Galactic. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. Proving Grounds: Buffs Advantage • Evasion Up • Critical Damage Up • Shien: Debuffs Armor Shred: Battle Mechanics Bonus Damage Turn Meter Swap Destroy. Sep 19, 2022 · TIer 2: Commander Ahsoka Tano. Namely, that Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Ahsoka Tano are both coming to the. This ability starts on cooldown and. June 14, 2023 2:25AM. Upon being reunited with Ahsoka Tano, the men of the 501st show their allegiance to their former commander by altering their clone armor in an homage for her Togruta markings. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. The problem is when she is placed in a Galactic Legend Obi-Wan Kenobi team. So if you're unwilling to refresh (see below) and starting at zero, you're looking at a farming duration of about 18 months. The recommendations on this page are based only off of the other available locations that character can be acquired from and does not take into consideration other items available from hard missions, other characters available from the same. . . Once you obtain the unit at 7* or have enough shards to 7* the unit, they will no longer be accessible. PLAY PROVING GROUNDS NOW TO GET COMMANDER TANO SHARDS! Hurry, Before It Is Patched! AhnaldT101 228K subscribers Subscribe 2. Top Players;. If Jedi Knight Anakin is an ally, Ahsoka gains Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns at the start of each encounter and whenever she uses a Special ability. To elaborate, you need to have at least 4 million GP to unlock Proving Grounds and it takes place right after Conquest finishes. This article is about the Star Wars minifigure. HELLO THERE!: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Skywalker, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Ahsoka Tano, General Kenobi. While doable, the easier team was EP lead with a SE team surrounding him. Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta female who was discovered at the age of three by Jedi Master Plo Koon amongst her people on the planet of Shili. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. Commander Ahsoka Tano, one of the greatest heroes of the Clone Wars, and proud Togruta warrior joins the Holotables. Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new mode called “Proving Grounds. When viewers first met the young Force-wielder in the first episode of The Clone Wars in 2008, it wasn’t clear that she had much future. First introduced in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars film, Ahsoka has appeared in multiple animated series, in a novel, and as one of the voices Rey heard in The Rise of Skywalker. Commanders Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee served together for the first time during the Second Battle of Geonosis. This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter. Ahsoka Tano was the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker and commander of the famed 501st Legion during the Clone Wars until she lost faith in the Jedi. Still over all a crappy event. Have Padme go next and do Graceful Assault, triggering AT to attack twice and CAT to attack once, total of -3 cool down. 1K Share 66K views 6 months ago Join the Kyber Club VIP+ Program!. Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new mode called “Proving Grounds. If Commander Ahsoka Tano has Shien, inflict Armor Shred until the end of the encounter. Through Order 66, the 501st was directed by Darth Sidious to execute the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano, turning their guns on Commander Rex as well when he was saved from Order 66. This team got it done on first attempt, I failed twice before that with Mace R3 instead of GAS. To see the event players must have over 4 million GP and can only use Relic 3 or higher characters. Some characters can be acquired from multiple locations within the game, this page contains a list of all locations and shows the best places to farm. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 PLAY PROVING GROUNDS NOW TO GET COMMANDER TANO SHARDS! Hurry, Before It Is Patched! 54662 views AhnaldT101 Published on 2022-05-30 21:16:48 About : Join the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! - There is a Proving Grounds event that comes around where you can earn some shards. Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta Jedi, first introduced into the Star Warsfranchise in Star Wars: The Clone Wars(2008) as Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan. Ultimately, Obi-Wan's impact. . 40 of our guild members are over 5M gp and only 1 got her this round. New Proving Grounds Mode Howdy Holotable Heroes, The 1-year mark for Commander Ahsoka Tano in Galactic Conquest is here! Much like Razor Crest, she will be moving out of the mode and relocated to a brand new game mode! Where will she go? Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new mode called “Proving Grounds. Howdy Holotable Heroes, The 1-year mark for Commander Ahsoka Tano in Galactic Conquest is here! Much like Razor Crest, she will be moving out of the mode and relocated to a brand new game mode!. . Go. Units. 1395 posts Member. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. The council insisted that she, a teenager, should play the part of the slave because she was a togruta woman. WARNING: The following contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. . You get them in Proving Grounds. As the Padawan of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka served with the 501st Legion in numerous battles. The fact is, they make an excellent team, and the Clone Wars make such partnerships a necessity. So if you're unwilling to refresh (see below) and starting at zero, you're looking at a farming duration of about 18 months. Trying the Fulcrum omicron against a Palpatine and Starkiller team. May 11, 2022 2:57PM. Refreshes cost 2200 crystals and can be done twice. The relationships of Ahsoka Tano from the Star Wars universe. Requirements: Must not already own the unit at 7* Must not already own enough shards to 7* the unit PLAY PROVING GROUNDS NOW TO GET COMMANDER TANO SHARDS! Hurry, Before It Is Patched! 54662 views AhnaldT101 Published on 2022-05-30 21:16:48 About : Join the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! - Commander Ahsoka Tano Legendary Master of Jar'Kai and Shien form Attacker, who deals high damage to a single target. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. Only the Yodas and Luke were standing. Post edited by Ultra on May 2022. swgoh proving grounds ahsoka tano. June 13, 2023 9:59AM. PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target. ” This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the. The antagonist of Timothy Zahn 's acclaimed. Helaman0329. She hated how they called her a woman even though she was sixteen. Wanting to know where to get Commander Ahsoka Tano shards. frer line same as yesterday walmart optometrist short pump. She makes a Padme squad so good they. Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new Event called " Proving Grounds . Possible Rewards. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new mode called “Proving Grounds. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Ahsoka is also the main character of the eponymous novel Star Wars: Ahsoka and is featured in other Star Wars media, including a subtle voice cameo in The Rise of. Ahsoka Tano was the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker and commander of the famed 501st Legion during the Clone Wars until she lost faith in the Jedi. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. 31st May 2022Proving Grounds - Conquest Trials - SWGoHTimestampsIntro 0:00Overview 0:36Razor Crest Tier 1:18Subscribe 4:37Commander Ashoka Tier 4:54Subscribe. Thus, wherever Anakin and Ahsoka travel, Obi-Wan typically goes too. As of August 2022, Proving Grounds provides shards for Maul, Commander Ahsoka Tano (CAT), and Razor Crest. Dathcha. . You need to be 4 million power with r3 characters and beat the battle to earn the shards. Kelly Knox March 27, 2020 From the moment Ahsoka Tano stepped out of the ship in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated film, she captured our attention -- and our hearts. She was created by Mandalorian executive producer (and director of Chapter 13, "The Jedi. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. ” This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long. Sign In or Register to comment. Sep 19, 2022 · TIer 2: Commander Ahsoka Tano. 54 / 5. If you look at Commander Ahsoka. 6K views 8 months ago In this video I will show you how to beat the CAT mission easily in. Backed up by the legendary Jedi who lived before her, Rey recovers and manages one final stand against her evil grandfather. Follow me on other social medias too >>>> Patreon. The extra daze alongside the ever growing damage makes him able to survive longer and hit very hard. May 11, 2022 12:56PM. PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. This game is a fucking joke. Most squads listed have been tested and all work with varying degrees of patience and strategy. Especially now, with Season 2 (Chapter 13) of The Mandalorian showing Ahsoka in her real-life debut (squee! Snips in human form!), we geeks are ALL abuzz. Maul (battling phoenix) Padme/GK/JKA/Snips/3PO GAS+501st (can use snips instead of arc) EP/Vader/thrawn/piett/wat Rex/Echo/Arc/Fives/Shaak JKL with jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano (CAT) (battling Maul) Hunter/Echo/Tech/Wrecker/Shaak CLS/Han/Chewy/3PaC/3PO Padme/GK/JKA/Snips/3PO Traya/Nihilus/Sith Assasin/Nest/Sith Trooper* Nest solo (takes a long time)* 20 Enemies 3 85 BOSS 3 85 ELITE 3 85 ELITE 3 85 3 85 Refresh 2200 (Max 2 refreshes) Commander Ahsoka Tano Requirements Commander Ahsoka Tano must not already be at max shards Units: Any 5 characters It’s quite literally finishing Galactic Conquest (hard mode) 3 times (and buying the shards in conquest). By Dan Beaver Mar 27,. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. Ahsoka Tano was the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker and commander of the famed 501st Legion during the Clone WI feel a speed set is really important so that she moves right after JMK (and other potential GLs present) as you might want to open with the JMK ability reset and instagib combo. Helaman0329. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. Wouldn't you expect proving grounds launch to coincide with 1 year after CAT was first unlocked? So roughly at the end of this set of conquests 16, 17 and 18. After the first use, it instead does an insane amount of damage. Latest Event History RAZOR CREST Possible Rewards 20 PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. Join the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! - it has already been said: play Proving Grounds (unlocks at 4M GP). Commander Luke Skywalker. 2K subscribers. TargetEadu. This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her. Everywhere I looked up says conquest but she is no longer in the end reward box so I don’t know where in conquest to look. 2008-2010 Variant The First variant of Ahsoka represents the character as she appears in. Ahsoka Tano brought it. 4 level 1 · 15 days ago Good luck unlocking her within the next 2 years 4 level 2 · 15 days ago If he’s over 4 million GP he can unlock her in 6 months. Requirements: Must not already own the unit at 7* Must not already own enough shards to 7* the unit PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. Join the Kyber Club VIP+ Program! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! - Grounds is a 24 hour event that runs monthly immediately after Conquest. Ahsoka Tano is one of the protagonists of the Star Wars franchise. Ahsoka Tano Share. Commander Ahsoka Tano with Master Kenobi is the most powerful team to ever hit Galaxy of Heroes. Anybody else had this or have any info on it? Seems really unlikely that I haven't rolled her shards at least once in weeks. Darth Nihilus. yumpling food truck nyc. ” This mode will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter. Missing Proving Ground Rewards. We also hear Ahsoka's voice simply saying "Rey. Dengar. Feeling disillusioned by the Jedi, she left the Order and her master behind. Refreshes cost 2200 crystals and can be done twice. crzydroid wrote: ». Managed to finally achieve 3 stars all across the board after multiple failed attempts with other squads. We have seen. . Views 998 Faves: 25 Votes 50 Score 4. From her time as Anakin Skywalker’s wide-eyed Jedi Padawan, to the hardened warrior hunting for Grand Admiral Thrawn on. 00 . ” This mode will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to. How to Unlock Commander Ahsoka Tano FAST AND FREE - DO NOT BUY RAZOR CREST! AhnaldT101 228K subscribers Join Subscribe 2. A brilliant politician, Padme uses her brains in both the Republic and the battlefield. Categories. Revan110. Kelly Knox March 27, 2020 From the moment Ahsoka Tano stepped out of the ship in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated film, she captured our attention -- and our hearts. Coruscant Underworld Police. Commander Ahsoka Tano help needed. However, following a series of misjudgment and betrayal within the Jedi Order, she left the Order in favor of pursuing. Ashley Eckstein Character Information Other Names Fulcrum (Codename) Ashla (Alias) Padawan Tano (by Bail Organa) The Apprentice (by Darth Vader) Skywalker's Apprentice (by Darth Vader) Lady Tano (by Maul) Appearance Blue eyes, orange skin, white facial markings, blue and white montrals and lekku Personality Published Dec 22, 2019 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker gave some of the franchise's most memorable moments, including the big screen cameo fans always wanted. Proving Grounds: Buffs Advantage • Evasion Up • Critical Damage Up • Shien: Debuffs Armor Shred: Battle Mechanics Bonus Damage Turn Meter Swap. Ahsoka has +40% Max Health, +10% Evasion, +10% Critical Chance, and +25 Speed. Ahsoka Tano is a major protagonist of the Star Wars franchise. Pretty average mods too. frer line same as yesterday walmart optometrist short pump. Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. pixiv. Reply to this topic. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. ” This mode will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE,. More good ideas, thanks. 1 Star first time with R7 JKL, R5 Hyoda, GK, GMY, and OB. Ahsoka als Baby. Time for the Rancor! You won’t be able to solo it with the Teebo or CLS team. Ashley Eckstein Character Information Other Names Fulcrum (Codename) Ashla (Alias) Padawan Tano (by Bail Organa) The Apprentice (by Darth Vader) Skywalker's Apprentice (by Darth Vader) Lady Tano (by Maul) Appearance Blue eyes, orange skin, white facial markings, blue and white montrals and lekku Personality PROVING GROUNDS Earn Conquest Unit Shards! Requirements: - 4 Million Galactic Power - Relic 3+ characters - Own Conquest Pass+ - Tiers are locked once 330 shards for the unit are obtained Victory Counts are NOT SHARED between tiers. 2 posts Member. Sign In or Register. April 3, 2023 6:18PM. ” This mode will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so. Howdy Holotable Heroes, The 1-year mark for Commander Ahsoka Tano in Galactic Conquest is here! Much like Razor Crest, she will be moving out of the mode and relocated to a brand new game Event! Where will she go? Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new Event called “Proving Grounds. This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so. Diese gesellten sich wenig später zu Pav-ti und. Plus we can't forget that sweet bounty for that Separatist commander!" A tall and dark intimidating figure said before grabbing the head of a battle droid and slamming it into the ground, not even pulling there blasters, rifle, or blade out, since it would be an insult to their skills. Stats Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. For the Prince of Persia minifigure with a similar first name, see Asoka. May 5, 2022 7:16PM mg99 wrote: » Why are Commander Asoka Tano shards not available in the conquest shop and nowhere else in the game? It's been over a week and nothing! She has been removed and will appear in the upcoming proving grounds game mode. I did not receive shards for Commander Ahsoka Tano or Maul after simming the nodes. comAhsoka Tano, a Togruta female, nicknamed "Snips" by her master Anakin Skywalker, is a former member of the Jedi Order and Terran Alliance Armed Forces, and a current member of the Terran Jedi Order. Adds Ahsoka Tano as a new hero for the Republic in Instant Action & Private Matches. Count Dooku. . Saves you 3 banners in gac or 1 in tw. I used fracture on dark trooper (it stays on even if you kill a stack). ” As of August 2022, Proving Grounds provides shards for Maul, Commander Ahsoka Tano (CAT), and Razor Crest. The young Padawan was a. Proving ground went from "a new game mode" to "a new event" to "just the most annoying fight from conquest, but even worse". Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. It’s quite literally finishing Galactic Conquest (hard mode) 3 times (and buying the shards in conquest). The novel, written by E. While defeating him (briefly) zaps the life out of her, she is saved by. Ahsoka Tano was the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker and commander of the famed 501st Legion during the Clone Wars until she lost faith in the Jedi. Stats Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Ah okay that makes sense, thank you! People that have her got the top (red) chest in Conquest Hard mode the last three conquests + used a lot of their Conquest tokens to get extra shards. Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new Event called “Proving Grounds. 2. There you can gain 20 CAT shards each month. 20 Maul. Padme lead, Ahsoka Tano, JKA, GK and C3P0 beat them all. Crystal purchases for Razor Crest and CAT were added to the Wandering Scavenger so players who are conserving Conquest Currency have a.